Saturday, October 26, 2019

Pop-Up Store Opening Night

Last night, I went out to the opening of the Pop-Up Store at the Logan Art Gallery. 

It was a huge night, as it not only opening that exhibition, but also three others in the art gallery. My work of beanies is on display in the first gallery, and I'm so proud to be able to show my work in there at this time of year - because people can buy my work and enjoy them; and hopefully buy more off me too. 

Other work there included an exhibition of the winner of the Artwaves Exhibitions - whose works include watercolours of dragons; and mixed media as well. And there's an Indigenous display of gorgeous works. And then there's one about Seria as well; all in photographs.

The Pop-Up Store is at its very best this year with everyone adding more and more into it as the years go by. 

I do encourage you to go to the Logan Art Gallery to have a look at everything there. We change our exhibits every six weeks; and every time, there's always something great to look at and experience.

Sunday, October 13, 2019

A Busy Time

It's been busy over the past few weeks, and I'm glad it's been like this. But, it's also been a weird time too. Over the past few days, I've been losing my voice - so I'm off to the doctors tomorrow; and I know I'm going to be sticking around the house for the rest of the week.

But I've been knitting and doing arty things while I've had my art in those three galleries across Brisbane. So far, one of the exhibitions finished - and nobody who put their work in sold their work. So, my piece came home and his currently on my bedroom wall; awaiting next year to be shown again. 

Then, in the next week or two, there'll be my 'Crazy Beanies' being sold at the Logan Art Gallery's Pop-Up Store. And on 9th, November, I'll be there doing a demonstration day in their workshop - which is always fun. I take along my knitting, yarn, and other gear and set up a table and demonstrate what I do, and how I do it, and make some sales there too.

My other piece is still in at the Judith Wright Centre in the city. I'm not sure if somebody has bought it or not. But people are liking '18 Butterflies'. 

I'm still knitting and painting right now. However, with my throat, it's a very quiet time for me. How's your craft and work going? 

Friday, September 27, 2019

Arty Things Afoot!

Well, I've got art in three galleries across Brisbane as I write this. 

One is in the Judith Wright Centre. Then, there's a painting in the Abel Gallery at the Logan Artists Association and then just this week, I dropped off my Crazy Beanies to the Logan Art Gallery. 

This is looking really good. 

I may sell some of my works, and yet over the Christmas Season when the Pop-Up Store is on at the Logan Art Gallery, I always sell something there. So, I will make some money from that. I'm really looking forward to the demonstration day there where I can sit and knit there and sell things there too. 

This is going to be a good year for me in the way of money and art.

I've had a friend remind me that I've got a Red Bubble account, but as in the past, I still have problems with people wanting to buy things which are printed onto items of my paintings which aren't the original things... I know that sounds strange, but really it's been 9 years since I created that account and I still don't like that idea. 

Well, it's just me I guess.

So, what have you been up to with your creations? As you can see, I've been really busy! Until my next post, keep creating!

Thursday, August 8, 2019

Big News!

Okay... I haven't been in here as much as I wanted to be, and there's a really good reason for it.

I've been knitting my fingers off to get as many Crazy Beanies finished - and Baby Beanies - finished to put in an application to the 'Pop-Up Store' at the Logan Art Gallery this year.


Well, they accepted my application! I'm so stoked about this! So far, I've knitted three more beanies and five more Baby Beanies... and the number is just increasing.

That's not all!

At the Logan Artists Association, I'm putting in 'Morning Storm' to the September Members Exhibition - as I finished it just this Tuesday gone! It's an extraordinary piece of a morning storm at Brunswick Heads which will be going for $95 or so at the Able Gallery next month. 

So, that's two art galleries I'll have work in next month. What a great time to be working, right? Until my next post, keep creating!

Saturday, July 13, 2019

Creating New Things

I haven't been in here lately, but there's a good reason for it.

I've created a new beanie - and it took me a few months to get it down. Well, okay, there's a little fib in there: it took me about a year, but I worked on its final bits over the past month or so. And it turned out so well!

I called it 'Lynda's Crazy Beanie' and it's been popular amongst people on Facebook and I'm really happy about it.

The great thing is that there's not a lot of counting or maths in it; and that's what I wanted in my own creation of a beanie - nothing difficult. The only counting is casting on, and the Moss Stitches I chose to make it take on some texture. 

Otherwise, it's worked out so well! I've already sold a few and am hoping to sell more in the future. I've got family wanting them too - so I've been hunting around looking for different types of yarn to use too. 

You know, there's nothing like designing something which works out so well, and yet is so easy to make! 

So, what have you been up to? Until my next post, keep creating!

Tuesday, April 2, 2019

Woah! Been So Busy!

It's 4 months into the new year and I haven't written here yet! I'm sorry about this, but my life has been busy as hell.

Anyway, I've been busily painting away, still working and attending the Social Art Group at the Logan Artists Association at Loganlea and enjoying myself... and I've also taken part in the first members exhibition - 'Express Yourself' - which has raised funds for The Leukaemia Foundation. This was something I really wished for them to do for me as I shaved my head this year and donated my hair... and getting the LAA on board to help me raise money was going to be a big money-spinner for me.

So, as this event came up for me in March (shaving my head that is), I was crazily knitting beanies for myself. I managed to knit 4 beanies for myself and 1 beanie-scarf. I'm part-way through knitting a 2nd beanie-scarf which is going to be way longer than the first one and in my favourite colours too! 

I'm still working on doing a series of paintings of the Northern Rivers area of New South Wales - and am having loads of fun doing it. It still takes me a bit of time to get myself to the part where it gets easier... but seeing I'm up to my 7th painting - and am dabbling on another 2 unfinished paintings sitting around the place. Yeah, I get stuck with my paintings sometimes, so put them off to one side to 'wait for me to get to them'.

Otherwise, that's all I've been really doing...oh! Besides looking at saving up for a trailer tent - but that's a long-term goal. Yep, I want to travel big-time and get myself painting while I'm traveling... sounds like fun, right? Yeah, sure it does! Well, until my next post, keep on creating.