Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Name That Painting - Update

Now, as you all know, I've been running a competition to name one of my archival paintings which I'm currently fixing up.  This has been no easy task as I'm now up to doing the background and detailing work before signing it; and I don't like to rush this part.  However, I will let you all in on the names that have been submitted to me; unfortunately, not many of you put them down in the comments as I had hoped.  I won't put down the names of who's titles are whose, just the titles suggested to make this fair.
Secret Flowers
One Fine Orchard/Flos Campi
Star Fish Flowers
Garden Starfish
The Flower Burst
Flower Power
Stella Maris
Power of Flowers
All of these are brilliant titles; however only one will win the prize of arty bits'n'pieces - such as brushes, paint, sketch books, pencils and other cool and useful artist's things.  I'll be drawing this competition by the end of this month - 30th, September, 2011.  So, if you'd still like to enter, there's still a lot of time left.

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